Its that time of year again: bikini season. Bust out the bikini and slap on the suntan! Problem is, most of us don’t have a body worthy of the beach! Sure, we’ll make oaths to ourselves (sometimes in blood) promising we’ll transform our bodies, but does it actually happen? Do we achieve those chiselled abs, or that firm booty? Most likely not. What happens? We put off our goals, delay and in defeat, give up. By the time summer rolls around we are stuck with the same body. Embarrassed, we go to the beach with oversized t-shirts and awkward excuses about why we are wearing them. Another year’s gone by and Ben and Jerry are still your best buds.

Break this cycle by holding yourself accountable. Take a before photo of yourself. Take honest photos of your front, side, and back. Let the gut hang out, don’t use Myspace angles or shitty cellphone pictures. The photos will tell the truth, they won’t hide blemishes you conveniently choose to ignore. It’ll help serve as a motivation to get started.

Now hears a confession: I’m no different. Thats right, summer is rolling around and I want that beach body too! Posted for my embarrassment and your amusement are my before photos: taken Sunday March 29th. Remember, the best time to start is right now, don’t delay, do it now!

Copyright April 12th, 2009 by Omar Isuf
Have you taken your before photo? Post your confession below!
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